Disappearance alert 347687

Print the posters


Want to tell your neighbors about the disappearance of your pet? You can print free posters in various sizes (A4, A5, A6).

Warning We recommend that you inquire about this. Also be sure to use environmentally friendly fastening means that do not degrade the display support. PetAlert disclaims responsibility.

Format A4

Poster A4

1 Alert per printed page


Format A5

Poster A5

2 Alerts per printed page


Format A6

Poster A6

4 Alerts per printed page


Our advice

For printing
  • Our posters are in PDF , Acrobat Reader must be installed download
  • Our posters are suitable for standard printers, we recommend that you do a test before printing a series
  • You can set the margins in the print options on your computer
  • Once you have printed A5 or A6 format posters, simply cut along the cut lines
What format to choose
  • Format A4 : Suitable for outdoor and crossing points
  • Format A5 : Suitable for building entrances
  • Format A6 : Suitable for mail boxes and advertisement areas in malls or your artisan (hairdresser, butcher, baker, ...)

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